Working & Leading Abroad: 6 Working Expat Blogs

\"travel\"Working abroad is difficult. Leading and managing abroad can be even more difficult.

Getting ideas across and learning about what works and what doesn\’t is a long process that can be fun, but sometimes painful. Thankfully there are some bloggers who can help.

Follows is a list of blogs that focus on the working expatriate experience. If you are about to go to Qatar for a big meeting or if you have always wanted to work in Scotland these blogs can help make your transition smoother, less mysterious, and more successful.

1.  Days of Living in Qatar

This blog, written by a Singaporean businessman, is dedicated to pointing out the the pros and cons of living and working in Qatar.

2. I Love China

Looking through the eyes of a British expat in Shanghai this blog details the frustrating and rewarding aspects of conducting business in China. The blog also covers Chinese food, language, and interesting cultural customs.

3. Still Life in South America

Living in Buenos Aires, the blog\’s author explores all things South American. Working, traveling, and exploring South America have given the author tons of stories and experiences that you can learn from.

4. This is Ghana

Reflections on working, living, and volunteering in Ghana. A great look at Ghana, Africa, and what it takes to work and give back to the international community.

5. The Scottish Lemon

Transplanted in Scotland, Christine Leman blogs about working and living in Scotland.

6. Escaping the Corporate

Coming from Mumbai the blog promises to escape the corporate world…in order to start a small business in India.

Bonus:  Expat Alley

Here is a collection of Expat stories, interviews, and and advice. It\’s a great resource for getting a first- person perspective on working and living aboard.

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