BLG Leadership Insights Leadership On the Edge

10 Must-Read Social Media & Leadership Stories From July 12-17

1. 3 reasons why influence is a leaders best friend. Great, in-depth, post.

2. Some solid pointers that ensure you ‘really’ learn your lesson.

3. 10 benefits to having an on-line life–you don’t need to be ashamed.

4. Steps to avoid groupthink at the office.

5. 4 leadership practices that will exterminate trust.

6. FIFA’s reaction to rough play…an example of organizations dealing with rouge elements.

7. Notes from a video game developer.

8. BBC has just launched a new, American focused, website. Is it time for US papers to play catch up?

9. Thoughts on George Steinbrenner’s leadership style. Would you work for him?

10. An entertaining look at 10 ways you can really, really, mess up your management career.

BLG Leadership Insights

Developing the Influencing Skills of Your Leaders: eCornell Webinar

Last month eCornell hosted a Webinar with Professor Samuel Bacharach entitled “Developing the Influencing Skills of Your Leaders”.  Professor Bacharach discussed his approach to the micro-skills of high performance leadership. Specifically, he laid out two overlapping sets of skills: the skills needed to move agendas ahead, and those needed to execute.

As he argued, the key to execution is the capacity to get people on your side and maintain momentum. In the world in which authority is no longer the answer for everything, Professor Bacharach invited the 1,000 plus crowd to think about how to use influence to move their agendas. eCornell invites you to listen to the archived version of this Webinar by going here.

Heather Burlew-Hayden, eCornell

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