1. Social media will sell out soon–it\’s better to get in now or never. Just look at hip-hop.
2. 7 tips that can help you boost your creativity.
3. Have a knotty problem? Turn on comedy central–it\’ll help.
4. I like the angle (and the links). 20 Best Leadership Post\’s from 2010.
5. Leaders take note: gossip and politics are intertwined, like it or not.
6. Google just launched Gmail delegation. It\’s a great tool for on-the-go leaders.
7. Here\’s a fun thread about what books made people better leaders. Great online conversation.
8. 10 truths about leadership. Good leaders keep learning.
9. A solid look at a exciting new leadership book: Bury My Heart at Conference Room B.
10. And if you haven\’t seen it yet, go see The King\’s Speech. It\’ll shine a light on leadership as well as the art of public speaking.