Leaders & Their Excuses, Excuses, Excuses…

\"\"A lot of leadership articles look at positive leadership lessons and, for the most part, that\’s a good thing. But every once and a while it\’s fun and enlightening to look at what we should NOT be doing and saying. That\’s why Dan McCarthy\’s article, \”Top Ten Excuses for Being a Lousy Leader\” is a interesting (and fun) read.

Growing up the one thing that would get me in the biggest trouble was trying to find an excuse. Parents don\’t like it when you can\’t fess up–nobody does.

You have to \’t take ownerships of your mistakes and your flagging ideas.

But the odd thing is, excuses can come out naturally. Half the time I don\’t even realize I\’m making excuse until I\’m called out on it. The scary part is when you start to believe in the validity of your own excuses. It\’s a dangerous mental trap–especially for a leader.

Dan\’s list will help you identify a lot of common excuses leaders make.

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