The BLG Blog

Posts & articles that have helped thousands build performance through pragmatic leadership.

Can Leadership Training Put a Country on the Map?

Wales_flagWales will soon spend 37 million pounds ($60 million USD) to develop around 18,000 people into “world class business leaders.” Some 5,000 Wales based companies are targeted to receive leadership and management seminars and training.

So here’s my question: Will it work? Will the investment pay-off? Is the government of Wales sane?

The idea is bold because it prides the development of human capital over the development of large infrastructure projects. It’s a conscious effort to turn local citizens into leaders so they can institute the change they want to see…

it is based on the assumption that new leaders, invigorated and ready to take charge, can and will build their business operations.

it sounds like fascinating experiment. Think it will work?



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Whether you want BLG to deliver a complete leadership academy across your organization, focus on a key group, or supplement an ongoing program, the primary goal of any of our programs will be business impact.

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