Friendship: Establishing Bonds in the Workplace Painlessly


It seems to me that we often become paranoid about establishing friendships in the workplace. We present an over-formalized persona in effort to devoid our relationships of any nuance of intimacy. In the podcast below I talk about some tips that can help you create friendship in the workplace while remaining professional.

There is a sense that the bonds of friendship have no place in hierarchies–that curiosity about others means intrusion, that empathy means voyeurism, and a political discussion implies intimidation.

Interpersonal conversations about irrelevant workplace issues such as a book you\’ve read, a museum show, the story about how you dropped the bowling ball on your father-in-law\’s toe, or how you were repulsed by the political position your congressmen held, seem to be taboo for the office. Clearly, the workplace is an arena with boundaries and leaders have to be sensitive not to intrude, not to impose, and not to pry. But that said there is a role for friendship in the workplace even in a universe of paranoid hierarchies.

Please listen here: Creating Friendship in the Workplace

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