Proactive Leadership

Being proactive is your ability to move beyond obstacles and blocks to realize your goals. Proactive leadership — being proactive, getting people on your side, and keeping them there — is fundamentally about building and maintaining effective relationships. You can view these relationships as broadly as one country getting along with another. Or you can bring it all the way down to how you and your spouse or partner get along with one another. Although we usually equate leadership within a business or organizational context, the reality is that even making a family vacation happen is an idea that requires leadership.

This blog is all about the concept of proactive leadership. We look out in the world and identify high profile and low profile situations that necessitate a proactive leadership approach. Through a cadre of expert opinion and experienced points of view, we help our readers apply the concepts of proactive leadership to these real situations. We also help them better understand proactive leadership and how to apply the concepts to their personal and/or professional lives.

After following the blog regularly, we expect readers to become more thoughtful about their relationships with others. They will be more conscious about how to proactively seek mutually beneficial results. Develop habits that enable them to provide real leadership to their family, friends, community, and their organizations. And feel themselves become more effective individuals in the way they negotiate with others and move their ideas — big and small — through to fruition.

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