Here are this week’s 10 best leadership links–hot off the presses:
1. A well made slideshow describing why some people get stuck and advice on how to get unstuck.
2. Title says it all: 7 employees you should fire now.
3. Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson has retired this week. Here are his 7 secrets for CEOs.
4. Don\’t bore your employees. Keep it short and entertaining.
5. A few alternatives to PowerPoint worth looking into.
6. Interview gaffs you really shouldn\’t be making.
7. 13 \”timeless\” lessons from David Ogilvy, the father of advertising. Copywriters, managers, and leaders can learn much from his observations.
8. A good review of Jonah Berger\’s new book Contagious. Learn how to make your ideas contagious.
9. The hardest leadership lesson you\’ll ever learn.
10. Lastly, are you a East Coast or West Coast type of leader? An interview with David Steinberg.