Jackson Pollock or Knute Rockne: How Do You Lead?

Sometimes visualizing is the best exercise for you to reflect on your own leadership. Who are you like? Jackson Pollack or Knute Rockne? Who do you want to run your organization? Never mind that, who would you like running your life? While seeming frivolous, there is more about this than meets the eye.

Here are two fundamentally different approaches, the \”go with the flow\” if you\’ll pardon the pun, or \”stay on top of it and keep it moving.\” These two distinctions are much more inherent to management theory and are great starting points to thinking about what type of manager you are. It also is a great starting point to thinking about how you manage your life. Who do you relate to more?

Jackson Pollock discusses his style and easy flow:

Knute Rockne get\’s his players ready to do what they do best:

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