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6 Leadership & Entrepreneurial Lessons from Francis Ford Coppola

francis ford coppala team work

Francis Ford Coppola went to film school without expecting to make feature films. He and his peers knew that breaking into an industry dominated by big name directors wouldn’t be easy. Yet Coppola managed to get into the business through hard work, determination, and pure enthusiasm.

Leaders and entrepreneurs can learn much from Coppola’s industrious career, his commitment to his craft, and his work routines. Follows are a 6 key lessons that can be learned

1. How to Risk: Never Gamble

Before Paramount green-lighted the Godfather 2 Coppola had already invested around a million dollars on sets. While it sounds like a gamble, Coppola didn’t think so. He says, “This notion of me being a risk taker isn’t really so true. It’s just that once we’re making the film we don’t want to stop…in a naïve way we think it’ll all work out.”

Coppola doesn’t think in terms of risk, but rather interest. By following his passion he ignored worry and headache and concentrated on creating a strong film.

Lesson: Leaders and entrepreneurs must ignore risk and pursue their goal. And, of course, they must remember the only real risk, according to Coppola is “to waste your life, so that when you die, you say, ‘Oh, I wish I had done this.’”

2. On Creativity: Ruin Your Books!

Creativity strikes without rhyme or reason and Coppola recommends writing down all your ideas with a time stamp and a description of where you are. Notes frame ideas and can be used as reference points for future projects. Extra information like the date and your location may prove invaluable years later.

Coppola also writes in the margins of books and when he’s done reading them, tears out key passages and pastes them into a notebook where he takes even more notes.

Catalogue your ideas and if inspired with a passage of text, rip it out, print it, copy it out, or write it down. You never know when it will inspire you. Coppala would use his notebooks more than his scripts on his movie sets.

Lesson: Assiduously take notes and collect material that interests you. It can help when you least expect it.

3. How to Make It? Fake It.

Coppola got his start working for Roger Corman who had bought a Russian sci-fi movie. Corman wanted a rewrite and Coppla jumped at the chance though he didn’t speak Russian. When Corman asked if he knew anything about sound, he lied and said he did. Later that night, he went home and read all the microphone instruction booklets he could find. And when Corman asked him to wash his car he did that too. Coppola rose to all challenges (both big and small) so he could work within the industry he loved.

Lesson: It’s fine to fudge the truth and learn on the job—and no job is too petty if you’re doing what you love.

4. On Decision Making: Have a Theme

Like leaders and entrepreneurs, directors have to make a million decisions everyday—some tiny, some huge. And Coppola found that he didn’t always have an answer. To remedy the problem Coppola decided to let the theme of his projects guide each of his decisions. Coppola says, “I remember in The Conversation, they brought all these coats to me, and they said: Do you want him to look like a detective, Humphrey Bogart? Do you want him to look like a blah blah blah. I didn’t know, and said the theme is ‘privacy’ and chose the plastic coat you could see through. So knowing the theme helps you make a decision when you’re not sure which way to go.”

Lesson: All decisions should be made with your business identity or brand in mind.

5. Steal! 

Coppola believes in the great artistic tradition of stealing. Coppola knows that whenever an idea is taken it changes in the hands of the owner and becomes unique. Artists, Coppola feels, should be flattered by the imitation. He advises, “Don’t worry about whether it’s appropriate to borrow or to take or do something like someone you admire because that’s only the first step and you have to take the first step.”

Lesson: Steal with abandon, but don’t begrudge others when they incorporate your ideas.

6. Remember, Work With Teams

Coppola uses ideas from the people he works with. He believes in collaboration, not command and control. “You can make the decision that you feel is best,” Coppola says, “but listen to everyone, because cinema is collaboration.”

Lesson: While you may have the ultimate say, you should always keep in mind the expertise and knowledge of others.

BLG Leadership Insights Ideas

Decision Making & Muscles

According to new research people experience decision fatigue. After a whole day of deciding what to wear, where to eat, and what work can be put off until tomorrow you get tired—so tired that you may end up making increasingly poor decisions as the day progresses.

Turns out our decision making ability is a muscle and it gets exhausted—just like our legs do after walking up the stairs when the elevator is down.

This is a scary especially when you realize that our world leaders, officers of the law, and our favorite baseball players might not do a good job because their decision making muscle is exhausted after they had trouble deciding how they wanted their eggs that morning.

But there’s always a bright side. You might be able to take advantage of people’s decision fatigue to get your way around the office.

According to the research on decision fatigue presented in the New York Times, parole boards were more inclined to issue pardons early in the morning. By the time 4PM rolled around—board members were tired and were more inclined to take the easy road—maintain the status quo (prison time) and deal with less paper work.

With this logic, it might be best to ask your boss for a raise, promotion, or a corner office early in the morning—when your bosses decision making muscle is just getting warmed up and it feels up for a day of challenges.

Leaders should benefit from this knowledge. Knowing that decision making is a muscle prone to exhaustion rather than a constant presence can help leaders analyze their choices.

Whether you’re debating buying an extra doughnut or asking for a transfer—it would be wise to make sure you’re not exhausted.

Instead of diving in head first—this research should make all leaders pause before they make decisions or make non-decisions and maintain the status quo.

Pic credit: Ciccio Pizzettaro

BLG Leadership Insights Leadership On the Edge

The Gut Feelings of Leaders: Two Books You Should Read

power-intuitionIn this world of pressure, uncertainty and speed, leaders are all too often overwhelmed by the need to make decisions, while not having all the time all the information we need to optimize.  Some would hope that leaders would use methodical cost-benefit analysis–sometimes there is not simply enough time to be so analytical. Sometimes optimization is a myth.  Economists put their faith on the ability of individuals to estimate the expected benefits of taking action. Classical economists would have us believe that we can evaluate the array of alternatives, estimate outcomes, and anticipate the probability of success and failure.  That may be an ideal methodology for making decisions, but it’s not the way most of us live.  It’s not the way we decide what universities to attend, who to marry, and how to invest.  When push comes to shove, analysis can only go so far.

Rational optimization can only get us in the door, but the final leap often depends on the power of intuition and gut feelings.  The final leap may often depend on what decision theorists and social psychologists refer to as heuristics, or if you will, rules of thumb.  These rules exist in the uncomfortable social-psychological world of quick decisions–decisions that seem to come from nowhere.