
Top 10 Tech/Social Media and Leadership Stories 4.20.11

1.  The Business of Humor: I Can Has Cheezburger.

2. I know it sounds odd but this is a must read and surprisingly funny story about women and street harassment

3. Five Big Bookkeeping Tips

4. iPhone 5 shipping in September

5. TV shopping networks can teach you about making money

6. The Management Feedback Gap

7. Amazon bringing Kindle to 11000 libraries

8. Even with Verizon selling them, AT&T iPhone sales chugging right along

9. Beliefs that are crippling writers

10. Get Better at Buying

BLG Leadership Insights Leadership On the Edge

10 Must-Read Social Media & Leadership Stories From June 21-25

1. Here’s some good advice: Be awesome at work everyday.

2. The most important leadership trait that you recognize, but often avoid.

3. Involved discussion on the future of publishing in the age of the iPad, the Kindle, and the Nook.

4. Leadership challenges and green hurdles in the hospitality business.

5. The business of fashion leadership. Uniqlo poised to take over the clothing retailer world.

6. How to conquer unproductivity and start getting things done.

7. Lifestyles of some of the world’s worst leaders dictators.

8. Meet your new co-worker, it’s a robot.

9. Leadership cartoon: How running your family like a business is a bad idea.

10. Youtube, in a nod to the 2010 World Cup, gets a Vuvuzela button.

Picture Credit: Veen

Leadership Videos Managerial Competence

Head in the Clouds: Businesses Must Deal With Cloud Computing

Cloud computing, a term originating from an old network designers’ icon, is really just the ability to access and use everything you normally work with and need on your PC–without your PC. In other words, it’s the ability to hop on the Internet, or hop in the ‘cloud’, and start working on your spreadsheets, updating your order-forms, and listening to your music without your PC, your flash drive, or your external hard drive. However, even the experts are having a hard time defining cloud computing’s scope, power, and use….

So what are the implications?

Everyone is trying to see this one coming. The New York Times suggests that cloud computing may lend itself to larger censorship. Business Week thinks more and more businesses will rely on it. Newsweek is guessing that the technology will help developing nations. And the Wall Street Journal is witnessing a trend every business is dying to get into.

The thing is…everyone is right. Cloud computing will be huge and it’ll be a boon for emerging economies, new businesses, and consumers. However, cloud computing also comes with its own set of problems: security and censorship key among them.

What does this mean for your office?

Cloud computing is neither swift nor capable enough to reliably support the files and data your business likely uses everyday….

BLG Leadership Insights Leadership On the Edge

Leadership Link Round-Up: June 8-12
