
Imbrahim Nubani: The Artist’s Corner

I met Imbrahim Nubani 15 years ago and have been collecting his work ever since. I believe that he brings together geometric forms, colors, floral patterns, while sarcastically playing with contemporary themes and political problems.

We often write about the struggles of leaders and how to move agendas. Imbrahim is an example of a leader who has visionary commitment and who can push ideas into reality. If anyone belongs on the artist’s corner–Imbrahim certainty does.

Please take a look at Imbrahim’s work in the following presentation:

BLG Leadership Insights Leadership Videos

Clip Corner: The Sistine Chapel–Motivating & Leading Creative People

Sometimes leaders have to deal with artists–those brilliant, gifted, geniuses who can do something better than anyone else. The challenge is: how do you get them motivated?

Do you use commitment, guilt, passion for artistic expression, or maybe just constant pressure. Your office may not be the Sistine Chapel but after watching this clip you will get the idea:

Pope Julius II commissioned Michelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling in 1505. The project was finally completed in 1512. Pope Julius II, according to Michelangelo’s letters and modern historical interpretation, may have forced Michelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel. According to Irving Stone’s book, The Agony and Ecstasy (and the subsequent movie staring Charlton Heston), Pope Julius II did just that and bullied Michelangelo into creating one of his best works.