Leadership On the Edge


on thin ice leadership

  1. Have a tough decision to make? Maybe you should listen to your gut.
  2. Build support and coalitions by giving gifts.
  3. Sustain virtual team momentum by following this simple advice.
  4. Perhaps checking the news distracts leadership.
  5. How LinkedIn co-founder learned from failure.
  6. Reading relieves stress and can help communication skills.
  7. UBER is ushering in the 1099 economy.
  8. The liberal arts degree in silicon valley.
  9. Speaking of the valley, are start-ups on thin ice?
  10. Sit back this weekend and watch these documentaries to learn key leadership and start-up lessons


In Leadership On the Edge BLG presents thought provoking articles, videos, and news from the world of leadership.


Will Google Wave Kill Email & Facebook: Two Sides to Every Trend [Video]

google_wave_logoGoogle wave, if you buy their message, will “change the way we email.”

And if you are a tech junkie or a developer enthusiast Google Wave has probably made your month year. But will it change the way we do email? Will it replace Facebook and take the social networking lead?

Here’s what the two camps are saying:

Fans: Yes, Google Wave is the Future

1. It has the power to make online collaborations possible…in real time.

2. Developers can make a endless amount of apps…

BLG Leadership Insights Leadership On the Edge Leadership Videos

Getting Out There: Organizations & Social Media Campaigns

For several weeks I’ve argued that social media is a critical tool for making organizations proactive. However, he haven’t talked about HOW to implement social media into your organization. Try to remember the following:

When a business uses social media the ultimate goal is to create a honest relationship with customers. Social media should:

1. State your company’s objective, purpose, mission.

2. Communicate your company’s corporate culture.

3. Maintain long term connections with clients and other businesses.

Here’s a video explaining it all, in ‘plain English’:

However, it’s not as easy as it looks and it isn’t something that happens over night or with a Twitter account.

Industry experts agree that a business trying to create a social media initiative should usually follow these three steps:

1. Seed Your Brand: Get your company active on the big social media sites (Facebook, Linkedin, etc.)

2. Create a Social Media Policy: Make sure everyone who does contribute to your company’s social media platforms do so within a set of guidelines in order to avoid future problems. Here’s a great example of one.

3. Perfect Your Blog: Make sure your blog is up to date and always fresh. Make sure it continually communicates your company’s image, thoughts, and culture.

Again, it’s looks pretty straight forward and ‘easy’. But try telling that to the many businesses that have chucked in the towel after their blog, Twitter, and Facebook page produced little in the way of tangible results. However, social media doesn’t guarantee sales, but rather it creates an effortless way to make long lasting bonds with your community and consumer base. It’s about building friendships–not sales plans.

How Can Social Media Fail? (…especially if it’s pretty user-friendly?)

The biggest challenge businesses face when it comes to social media initiatives is: “communicating corporate culture”. In other words, businesses have trouble being honest with their audience….

BLG Leadership Insights Leadership On the Edge

Leadership Link Round-Up: June 29-July 3

Happy 4th of July everyone. Have a good weekend and enjoy the fine weather we’re sure to have.

BLG Leadership Insights

Should Leaders Use Social Networking Websites?

Social networking used to be pretty easy: it started with a handshake and, if you were lucky, it ended with one.

Now social networking, thanks to sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin, has become a 24/7 personal marketing campaign that involves pictures, well trimmed personal statements, and a brand of status anxiety only the Internet can produce.

Acquiring and managing networks (a.k.a. friends) online has developed it’s own prickly set of rules and nuances. Apparently, it’s a faux pas to tell ex-girlfriends on Facebook what you had for breakfast but if you ‘tweeted’ it (meaning you posted it on Twitter) you’d generate many appreciative comments, responses, and recipe requests.

Still, I don’t know all the “laws” of online social networking. And if a book were to be published on the subject it would be out of date before it reached Barnes & Nobles.

During 2008’s election both Barack Obama and John McCain used Facebook and created their own social networking platforms to raise money and create a ‘dialogue’. It worked for both candidates–money was raised, “friends” were accepted, and everyone felt good knowing their candidate was a click away. It was good politics.

However, what about in the business realm? Should CEOs, team leaders, and retail managers use social networking sites to bond with employees?

The obvious benefits may include the creation of a team atmosphere, the implementation of a fun way to communicate with staff, and, speaking frankly, a way too spy check-up on your employees.

Yet, the apparent negatives seem hefty. As a leader if you ask to be someone’s ‘friend’ on a social networking site, whether it be Facebook, Twitter, or Linkedin, you’re asking to see a sliver of their private side. That’s a big step and it’s akin to randomly knocking on an employees door unannounced. You might not be invited in–much to the embarrassment of both parties.

I’d say leaders can befriend their staff on social networking sites but only if their real world relationship is strong.

However, I don’t yet know the full story and am interested in hearing what everyone here has to say on the subject. Should leaders actively recruit their staff into their online networks? Do the benefits outweigh the negatives?