Leadership On the Edge

10 Things Coworkers Won’t Say

To paraphrase the great Dean Martin: “Everybody annoys somebody at work sometimes”. In turn we all know that if we say everything that came to our minds all the time, our coworkers would hate us and it wouldn’t be long before we were angering people on the unemployment line.

With this in mind, the fine folks over at recently put out an informative and eye-opening list of the 10 Thing Your Coworkers Won’t Say. Check out the list and if you can think of any other things you won’t say to your coworkers, stop biting your tongue and drop me a line and let me know about them!

10 Things Your Coworkers Won’t Say

BLG Leadership Insights

Leadership Link Round-Up

Here are last weeks best web based leadership & workplace articles:

  • Snappy Forbes article considers Obama’s 5 recent Leadership Lessons.
  • How to Procrastinate Like Leonardo Da Vinci. Looks like Leonardo wouldn’t get tenure.
  • The Foreign Policy Magazine takes a sharp look at the rise and potential conflict between two CCP leaders: Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang.
  • Free podcast from the Times UK by Debashis Chatterjee, professor of organizational behavior at the Indian Institute of Management.
  • Wal-Mart is still in the black; partly due to considerate management.
  • Japanese companies, according to The Economist, need to restructure their management or face another ‘lost decade’.
  • Detailed report on Giuliani’s recent speech at a ‘Leaders in London‘ conference. Looks like we missed a good speech.
  • Is the modern business man really too over-loaded with email, texts, and twitter updates to care about what really matters? The American Prospect thinks not.
  • Does a leader become a leader when he starts his job? Or do you have to grow into a leader?
  • Sure, unemployment is up…but so are paychecks.
  • Leadership Lessons from Geese: The title says it all.