
Inc. Article: Why You Should Say What You Pay Employees

Naturally, as the leader of your company, you support a culture of trust, caring and openness, because you know this generates deep-seated employee commitment and facilitates exceptional performance.

And, uh…how do you apply this philosophy when it comes to paying people? Odds are, you’ve concluded that compensation is just one of those things that’s best kept secret. That’s a problem.

Read the rest of  “Why You Should Say What You Pay Employees” on Inc.

Leadership On the Edge

10 Compelling Proactive Leadership Links: November 2-6

baboon1. Bob Sutton explains how baboons can teach us about leadership. The story also includes a great radio interview and article by Robert Sapolsky.

2. Employee engagement is the focal point for a lot of organizations these days. David Zinger explains 10 principles of employee engagement so you aren’t left behind.

3. Dan Oestreich helps you figure out a very important question: should I stay or should I go quit?

4. This great blog post explains Professor Herminia Ibarra recent study on women in the workplace . Her thoughts on the “vision thing” are insightful and look forward to a better framework.

BLG Leadership Insights

Reviewing the Twitter Club: 3 Generations & Social Technology

Yesterday, we looked at how 3 different generations interact with and process the internet, social technology, and social media.

Here’s our matrix:

Social Technology and The Generation Gap
The Glibbers The Roamers The Clingers
Real Time Short Term Long Term
Bits of Information Chunks of Information Complete Information
Coded words Quick Sentences Full Pages
Delete Search/Bookmark Save

So, in most cases, the younger generation of office workers is compromised mostly of Glibbers while the older generation is, by and large, comprised of Clingers. That leaves the Roamers–the in-between group who are captivated by technology, use it, but are generally a step behind.

Why is this important?…