
How Does a Leader Sustain Momentum? 4 Key Strategies

radioToday, we are finally starting our new podcast series. I hope you will enjoy it and get something out of it. We’ll try to keep them coming at a reasonable, but not overwhelming pace.

The purpose of this series is to elucidate and elaborate clear and specific principles around the issue of being proactive, with no promise that we won’t spill beyond these boundaries.

Let us know what you think. Hope you enjoy.

Sam B.


BLG Leadership Insights

Leadership & Team Building Podcast: Resistors to Change

Solid leadership and team organizational skills will require that you can push an agenda through to fruition.

However, you will, in most cases, meet resistors to the change you want to bring about.

Please listen to my podcast below where I outline the harm of ‘resistors’ and some methods to get them on your side.

BLG Leadership Insights

Leadership Podcast: Pollock or Rockne, What’s Your Leadership Style?

When you teach, you sometimes for dichotomies, exaggerate distinctions. I think the distinction between Jackson Pollock and Knute Rockne as presented in the two videos I showed the other day (featured yesterday) carry a very strong message.  In a real way, they give us a classical distinction between looseness and control, two styles, not only for approaching the world but also for approaching leadership—each style lacking a bit. In the podcast below I examine the importance of defining your leadership style.

In no way do I think this is anything more than an exercise.  I realize these are snippets and not reflections of their whole character.  As presented in the videos, an interesting distinction for people to think about.  Where would you put yourself on the continuum?

Please listen here: Leadership Styles: Pollock or Rockne
