Have a good Memorial day everyone!
- Technology breeds distraction, so everyone says. Can technology, perhaps, be a good thing?
- Green cars may make you feel good…but probably not safe!
- Old-timers rejoice: Young people facing the axe as corporate ageism is flipped!
- The theory of evolution explains the origins of humans…and art. Looks like art has to kill or be killed.
- What would you do with an Obama interview you did years ago? Buy a tape player!
- The increase in public vulgarity is shocking. What does literature have to say for itself?
- 4 Great tips for effective succession planning.
- Success is measured by accomplished goals–not collected medals: Wally Bock gives a perfect example.
- What traits does a future leader need? Here are 10 great guesses.
- Learning and making money from studying online groups. What can you gain from them?
- Should search engines let users create their own ‘pages’ so people can present their best side when they are searched?
- India’s second chance.
- Leadership pointers are always good reads–how about one penned by Confucius?