Leadership On the Edge Social Media

10 Must-Read Social Media & Leadership Stories From December 1-3

1. The Gap enters the China market–tripping, stumbling, and over charging. Their signature 1969 jean doesn’t evoke dreams of the decade of sexual liberation for the Chinese. Instead it may evoke memories of the cultural revolution.

2. It’s a pleasure to be ranked #23 on Evan Carmichael’s Top 50 Leadership Blogs. Thanks for the hat-tip Evan!

3. Learning to think like Zuck. Great post with interesting examples.

4. Forbes has come up with a great hook (and an annoying slide show): The Biggest CEO Screw-Ups of 2010.

5. The inherent risks in social media.

6. Fun list: “7 toxic coworkers you have to avoid.” If the characters mentioned come uncomfortably close to home, I’d suggest running.

7. Here’s a simple but effective method of selling new ideas to your boss.

8. How do you solve the North Korea problem?

9. Kids these days are…wired for distraction. Overreaction or the tip of the iceberg?

10. The truth behind tasteless in-flight meals.

BLG Leadership Insights Leadership On the Edge

Working & Leading Abroad: 6 Working Expat Blogs

travelWorking abroad is difficult. Leading and managing abroad can be even more difficult.

Getting ideas across and learning about what works and what doesn’t is a long process that can be fun, but sometimes painful. Thankfully there are some bloggers who can help.

Follows is a list of blogs that focus on the working expatriate experience. If you are about to go to Qatar for a big meeting or if you have always wanted to work in Scotland these blogs can help make your transition smoother, less mysterious, and more successful.

1.  Days of Living in Qatar

This blog, written by a Singaporean businessman, is dedicated to pointing out the the pros and cons of living and working in Qatar.