BLG Leadership Insights Managerial Competence

Leading a Can-Do Culture: The Management Challenge of the Day

In today’s New York Times, David Brooks astutely points out that the challenge for GM is cultural, and not simply structural or financial. He notes:

On Jan. 21, 1988, a General Motors executive named Elmer Johnson wrote a brave and prophetic memo. Its main point was contained in this sentence: “We have vastly underestimated how deeply ingrained are the organizational and cultural rigidities that hamper our ability to execute.”

On Jan. 26, 2009, Rob Kleinbaum, a former G.M. employee and consultant, wrote his own memo. Kleinbaum’s argument was eerily similar: “It is apparent that unless G.M.’s culture is fundamentally changed, especially in North America, its true heart, G.M. will likely be back at the public trough again and again.”

In the final analysis, the challenge of leadership for our times is creating if not refocusing on our notion that we can accomplish things.  Leaders have to take the responsibility for communal and organizational culture.  Before anything else, they have to focus on the sense that we’ve regained our sense of cultural momentum, that we’ve overcome inertia and hesitation has been left behind.

Have you heard, “We have a can-do culture?” Or, “We have a culture that stays on top of things?” Sometimes momentum is a question of your ability to ingrain the culture of the group into the individual. In some organizations, you walk in and you immediately have the sense that they can run with the ball and go the distance. Such a culture is one of “drive.” Consider firefighters. Theirs is a culture full of tradition. They reinforce expected behavior through the stories of the heroic deeds of their brethren, by recounting pivotal events, important people and their actions. They tell and retell stories that subtly and not so subtly communicate how a firefighter is supposed to engage in that organization and that build a sense of belonging among its members. Firefighters take action and extraordinary risk because of their strong sense of mission.  As a result, their focused drive saves lives. The most effective leaders of firefighters are able to sustain momentum by using the firefighter culture to inspire and deliver outstanding commitment and superior performance.

Imagine two groups with comparable resources. One group shows results, while the other can’t seem to get anything done. They start a lot of projects, but they finish nothing. They don’t have the capacity to go the distance. Sure, they may listen to the same CEO give the same call to action. But when it comes to implementing an agenda or demonstrating superior results, even though the teams have similar talent, a similar organization, “the B team” somehow falls short. Their agenda goes unfulfilled. You’ve seen plenty of examples of this. The new product launch, which was so highly touted, turns into a money pit. The reorganization that was supposed to improve customer satisfaction results in customer confusion. The rollout of a performance management system gets stuck in meeting paralysis. The best-laid plans become some of the worst-laid eggs.

In many of these cases, the X factor is cultural momentum. Using value and purpose, the leader of the “A team” created a sense of belonging, commitment, and collaboration among the group’s members. People relate to others in the group. They relate to the group as a whole. In a real sense, they define themselves in relation to the group and/or the initiative. This is the foundation of cultural momentum that will get this team through adversity.

BLG Leadership Insights Managerial Competence

Martyrdom and Slavery Are Not Part of Leadership: Mitzvahs May Be Applauded

Yesterday, I ran a video clip of Desmond Tutu discussing Leadership. In the clip the Nobel Prize winner draws our attention to the importance of sacrifice. The problem with sacrifice is not whether you make it but how you feel about it and how you present it

Leaders should keep in mind that we don’t need their sacrifices if their going to present themselves as a downtrodden slave, dragging their angst across the board room floor. We certainly don’t need their sacrifice if they are presenting themselves as a Martyr, expecting us to genuflect in their general direction every day or so.

Neither slavery or martyrdom have a place in leadership. If you’re going to flaunt your servant leadership and package it in guilt, self righteousness, and self reflection maybe you’re not as much of a servant as you think. Maybe, you’re using servitude and the presentation of sacrifice as an unconscious little tool to get your way–service can in fact be Machiavellian. And if you intend to cash in on your service for others it maybe no service at all. Certainly, not in the sense that Desmond Tutu believes to be.

The question now is whether it’s appropriate to receive rewards for servitude. I am reminded of a day long ago when I was sitting in Rabbi Learner’s study in Brooklyn taking Bar Mitzvah lessons and he was expounding on the importance of the “Mitzvah”–the virtue of carrying out an act of human kindness. While he was talking about the philosophy of charity, kindness, and in Tutu’s word, sacrifice, I even at this young age began to think a bit about the pay-off.

I asked him and I remember this vividly (at my age this is no small trick), “Rabbi, there I am on Pennsylvania Avenue and New Lots, the busiest corner in east NY, it’s pouring, and I help an old blind lady cross the street and I stop traffic and am endangering myself in front off the new Pennsylvania Avenue bus and I am in a rush to get to school–and I get her to the other side. When I get to the other side Victor, who has the corner candy store, slaps me on the back and tells me how well I’ve done, the cop gives me a thumbs up, and two passerbyers actually applauded me. It seems like my Mitzvah got me a pay day—does that mean it’s not a Mitzvah, does that mean I didn’t sacrifice?”

Rabbi Learner looked at me, “Did she safely make it to the other side of the street?”

“Sure.” I said.

“Than everything else is gravy”

So much for contradictions.

You can lead using sacrifice as Tutu presents it and if once and while, in joy and admiration, people applaud you, enjoy it. Martyrdom isn’t becoming.

BLG Leadership Insights Managerial Competence

Leadership Link Round-Up: May 1-7

BLG Leadership Insights Leadership On the Edge Managerial Competence Proactive Leaders Proactive Stories

Proactive Leadership – Cornell Entrepreneurial Network

On March 20, at the Cornell Club in Manhattan, Prof. Sam Bacharach gave a talk on “The Proactive Leader: Skills for Sustaining Momentum in Uncertain Times”, a summary of his proactive leadership perspective.  The basic premise of the presentation was that uncertainty demands that leaders develop specific proactive skills.

[flashvideo filename=media/Proactive-Leader-CEN_768K.flv image=media/sam-cen.png /width=”350″ height=”265″ overstretch=fit /]

BLG Leadership Insights Managerial Competence

Leadership Link Round-Up: March 16-20

Here are this weeks best online leadership & workplace articles:

  • Silicon Valley’s individual-focused management policy is disappearing. Goodbye pony tails, Hello bureaucracy.
  • New Challenge for Leadership: Fostering Accountability. Madoff held accountable.
  • Where’s the accountability on Wall St.? Leaders making bad decisions have to take responsibility.
  • If you haven’t seen John Stewart vs. Jim Cramer on the Daily Show, check it out. Where are the honest leaders?
  • Paper mills offer students original essays and research projects for a price. Why don’t certain University’s just charge a flat rate for a degree?
  • China is heading towards a big depression, according to James Fallows, and it will fuel innovation in business and maybe politics.
  • Obama is a new leader trying to fuel new hopes in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast.
  • Will power always be abused? George Orwell will remain relevant if we answer, ‘yes’.
  • Leaders and politicians using Twitter. What’s next?
  • Iran’s new leader will matter in a big way.
  • What exactly are the parallels between Obama and Lincoln?