
Imbrahim Nubani: The Artist’s Corner

I met Imbrahim Nubani 15 years ago and have been collecting his work ever since. I believe that he brings together geometric forms, colors, floral patterns, while sarcastically playing with contemporary themes and political problems.

We often write about the struggles of leaders and how to move agendas. Imbrahim is an example of a leader who has visionary commitment and who can push ideas into reality. If anyone belongs on the artist’s corner–Imbrahim certainty does.

Please take a look at Imbrahim’s work in the following presentation:


Artist Spotlight: Steve Thomas

Nothing is more annoying than having to nag your employees over and over again to do stuff like keep the breakroom clean and stay the heck off Facebook during working hours. Then again nothing is more annoying than having to read and/or write naggy handwritten notes like this one.

Well, now a pretty darn cool artist by the name of Steve Thomas is here to not only save you time but also to make your workplace way hipper. Thomas has come up with a  series of snarky propaganda-style workplace posters that you can buy and place around the office. Our favorite is the download/virus poster below, but they will all bring a smile to anyone who’s worked in a modern office.