BLG Leadership Insights Ideas Leadership On the Edge Proactive Leaders

Overcoming Fear: Public Speaking

Public speaking. Scary stuff. In the hierarchy of fears, Glossophobia is up there with heights, flying and death. Most of us have had that nightmare where we find ourselves giving a presentation in front of a large group of peers sans pants. Scary stuff. So what is a person to do? Are there some quick tips that will put you on the road to overcoming this common fear? Glad you asked.

In an insightful article from American Express’, the founder and CEO of GrowBiz Media, Rieva Lesonsky offers up 6 steps to overcoming your fear of public speaking. Lesonsky, who is a widely recognized small-business expert and author of the bestselling book Start Your Own Business does a wonderful and concise job of breaking down the steps and skills you will need to become a more confident public speaker.

So the next time you have to give a presentation in front of hundreds of  judgemental co-workers, don’t call in sick. Take a deep breath, place your shaking hand on your mouse and click this link. Oh and don’t forget to wear pants.

6 Steps to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking.

BLG Leadership Insights Ideas Social Media

5 Ways Social Media Can Help Your Business

We all want to find new ways to use social media. Tweeting about what you had for lunch or how much you hate/love your local sports team probably won’t get you much new business. Therefore it’s imperative that you listen to the pros as often as possible in order to get things done efficiently through social media. Here is a great article from ZDNet and TechRepublic’s Toni Bowers on the 5 Ways to Use Social Media to Propel Business Forward. Check it out and let us know if you think these ideas will work for you.

Creativity Features

Artist Spotlight: Maya Bloch

For next few weeks we will be shining our Artist Spotlight on the talented painter Maya Bloch. We will be focusing on both her older paintings and works from her latest collection ‘hello stranger’ which was featured on Huffington Post

Artist Spotlight: Moving agendas ahead, taking charge, and leading occurs in corporate boardrooms and in the world of art. On this blog we will feature artists who are trying to move their own agenda, their own vision, and their own view of the world ahead.

Features Proactive Leaders Proactive Stories Social Media

Artist Spotlight: Art Murphy

This site takes a lot of pride in it’s commitment to proactive leadership. In no field is being proactive and moving agendas ahead more important than the arts. Simply put the proactive artist is the only one that is going succeed in getting his or her work seen by a wider audience.  With this in mind please enjoy the first installment of our Artist Spotlight. For this edition we will focus on the photography of Art Murphy.