BLG Leadership Insights Ideas Social Media

Retire Your Resume…Please

If you are looking for a job it’s probably best to throw your resume away. Everyone has one and thanks to resume workshops, websites, and books they all look the same. If your resume is professional it is no doubt typed up with something very close to Times New Roman and it’s in 12 point font. I bet you even use bullet points. Way to stick out.

But if you don’t believe me–maybe you’ll trust the Wall Street Journal. According to a recent article more and more recruiters are finding job candidates on Facebook.

So much for resumes. It’s the age of the ‘cool’ looking social media profile. The resume is dead.

Half of me is grateful. I hated formatting resumes on Word or any other text editor. It took forever. The second you indented one job another one would disappear.

But the other half of me is scared. Resumes are boring–but they have established rules to follow and set guidelines. I know that if my resume has a purple cover page, I’m making a mistake. With social media profiles we’re still in gray territory. Is it OK to tell future employers about the minutia of your day? Do you want them to see pictures from your vacations and your nights out?

Maybe. The trick is figuring out how to do these things with a little class and an ounce of humor. But before we iron out the details there will be a lot of mistakes.

So if you want to stick out and be on the cutting edge–take a deep breath and drag your resume to your recycle bin. After that figure out a way to show the world what you can do without putting people to sleep.

Leadership On the Edge Social Media

Top 10 Social Media/Tech/Leadership Links 6.13.11

1. Building your own iPad and iPhone apps just got easier

2. Has the internet “hamsterized” journalism?

3. Conan O’Brien’s amazing Dartmouth commencement speech

4. Apple worth more than Microsoft, HP and Dell COMBINED

5. Nine reasons your company should use brand advocates 

6. Winning, Losing and Collaboration7. Tips on successfully blogging from home

8. Google acquires Admeld 

9. Five tough questions entrepreneurs have to ask about growth

10. Lonely Employees and Productivity

BLG Leadership Insights Leadership Videos Political Competence

Dan Adler: Taking a Chance or Just Crazy? (video)

Fighting for what you believe in is part of leadership. Getting people’s attention is part of convincing the world that you should have the opportunity to lead. But is there a limit? Can you actually go too far in your attempts to become a leader? A relative unknown and a big-time underdog by the name of Dan Adler is running for Congress in California’s 36th District. Bold and sometimes odd campaign commercials are nothing new, but Mr. Adler’s latest ad is not only a bit strange but according to some is also teetering on the edge of bad taste. I would try to explain the commercial, but I believe this is one of those instances where justice cannot be done with words. Please watch the video below (trust me, it’s worth it!) and then let me know if you think this political ad is just an enjoyable bit of farce or in fact offensive. For full disclosure, I happen to be 1/4 Korean and I find it hilarious.

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Leadership Videos

What is the Internet Hiding From You? (video)

If you are at all curious about the invisible flow of on-line information you need to see and hear this TED talk by Eli Pariser. It will make you take a second look at the Internet and your place within the new world it is shaping.

Oh and I should also note that I stumbled across this video in my Facebook feed today. Trust me, after you watch the video this seemingly minor bit of information will become much more than just a personal aside.



Top Social Media and Tech Videos (5.6.11-5.13.11)

Here are our Top 3 social media and tech videos from the past week.

1. The Tech Buzz of the Week from CNET TV

2. Social Media and The Arab Spring

3. Paul Allen defends his tell-all book on CNN