Leadership On the Edge

10 Compelling Proactive Leadership Links: November 2-6

baboon1. Bob Sutton explains how baboons can teach us about leadership. The story also includes a great radio interview and article by Robert Sapolsky.

2. Employee engagement is the focal point for a lot of organizations these days. David Zinger explains 10 principles of employee engagement so you aren’t left behind.

3. Dan Oestreich helps you figure out a very important question: should I stay or should I go quit?

4. This great blog post explains Professor Herminia Ibarra recent study on women in the workplace . Her thoughts on the “vision thing” are insightful and look forward to a better framework.

BLG Leadership Insights

Online Social Networking: Blessing for Productivity

sport shakeSocial networking websites, alleged slayers of productivity, have once again been targeted by a study / survey. The hypotheses: Social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook are arresting the productivity of office workers. The conclusion: The IT services group Morse found, after interviewing 1,460 UK office workers, that social networking sites roughly cost UK firms $2.25 billion dollars annually.

Needless to say, that’s a lot of money.

If you are a person in a leadership position, brace yourself…this next bit might shock you. The study further estimated that office workers waste spend around 40 minutes on social networking sites…a week.

BLG Leadership Insights Leadership On the Edge

Leadership Link Round-Up: June 15-19

Just wanted to say that this is the 102nd blog entry here at! Thanks for reading and be sure to subscribe or follow me on twitter. Now lets get to the leadership links…