BLG Leadership Insights Leadership On the Edge

10 Must-Read Social Media & Leadership Stories From June 1-4

1. Breaking bad news to the boss or a colleague can be hard. Thankfully (and with humor) Nicole De Flanco gives us 5 easy steps to follow.

2. A great (and easy to follow) guide to Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and how it relates to management.

3. Leaders have to control their ego in order to lead effectively. Here are 10 ‘red flag’ warning signs that narcissism might be looming.

4. Social media recruiting: looking for work and networking on Facebook just got easier with Simply Hired.

5. Great ways cloud computing can help small businesses (cheaply and easily).

6. WikiLeaks fights for transparency. A great example of a visionary leader under pressure.

7. Using social media to bridge the Baby Boomer / Gen Y generation gap.

8. Location can shape the quality of a person’s work. This post explains four reasons location can be a big factor for leaders and teams.

9. Great resource: The Top 50 HR Blogs to Watch.

10. Doing business in China is a challenge. We’d do well to learn form how different corporate leaders deal with the hurdles.

Picture Link: Heisenberg

BLG Leadership Insights Features

The Key to Strategic Agility

Strategic agility is the muscle organizations use to jump into action and capitalize on opportunities even with incomplete information and time pressure. Organizations have strategic agility when they can take risks and grab opportunities when circumstances are extremely uncertain. Organizations rely on strategic agility in order to achieve long term goals by recognizing that unique and great opportunities can’t be planned or predicted. In order to enhance strategic agility senior leaders must understand the value in aggressively exploring opportunities in a world of uncertainty.

Organizations that have strategic agility don’t necessarily over commit to only one vision. They know that sometimes the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. They have the ability to stay on their toes, grow, change direction, or do a complete 180. Similarly, strategic agility gives organizations the ability to work around obstacles instead of having to bear down and spend resources and time getting over every hurdle. Strategic agility is the art of muddling though, climbing the tree one limb at a time, testing the branches as you go up, and knowing sometimes you have to go in a different direction, take a different step.

Strategic agility, according to my boxing friend, is all about bobbing and weaving, ducking and dodging–the skill to know what to do when you’re caught in the corner and how to avoid getting knocked out. It’s becoming essential that businesses of all sizes have this capacity of moving around the ring. Strategic agility is now a vital component in every organization’s business plan, from Morgan Stanley to Toyota and local school districts and the Main Street hardware store.

The challenge in enhancing strategic agility is not really on the macro level—it’s not really on the level of job descriptions, organizational structures, or even technological overhauls. The challenge is in the capacity of the senior and middle staff to lead proactively. Specifically, this means leaders must understand their environment  and know how to quickly shift agendas. It also means, more importantly, that leaders need to able to execute.

Strategic agility demands that your leadership team understands the basic skills of proactive execution, understands not simply how to adopt new ideas, but also how to mobilize people around ideas and create strong, active coalitions. They need to develop the internal political common sense that allows them to understand allies and resistors and finally to adhere to some basic fundamental principles of employee engagement that will give them the capacity to sustain momentum and move forward. The key, therefore, to strategic agility is in the enhancement of the proactive leadership capacity of your key players. It is in the enhancement of the capacity of a proactive, take-charge leadership culture.

Strategic agility demands proactive leadership. It demands that leaders throughout the organization are cognizant of both hazards and opportunities and within the context of this understanding are capable of executing quickly. The age of long-term planning, the age of complacent reflection, is well behind us. The age of strategic agility and it’s here to stay. You need a proactive leadership team.

Picture Credit: Library of Congress

BLG Leadership Insights

10 Signs You Are a Facilitative Leader

classroom-managementLast week we outlined directive leadership; what it means, what forms it takes, and when it is used. We were careful to point out that directive leadership, although task driven, isn’t the only or the best way to sustain momentum within an organization. Sometimes it can force an organization to produce unexpected results and, on other occasions, it can smother employee motivation and drive.

Leaders who are opposed to directive leadership’s main tenants and rely on reflection and adaptable priorities can be considered facilitative leaders. Facilitative leadership is used to sustain momentum by meeting challenges without a set action plan. Facilitative leaders value creativity, reflection, and brain storming over planning, commands, and efficiency. Again, facilitative leadership isn’t the right fit for some people and some organizations. While it might produce results for one set of people it might create apathy and inefficient work habits within another.

Here are 10 signs you are a facilitative leader:

1.You have the capacity to make adjustments: As a facilitative leader you aren’t afraid to change plans, ideas, and strategies.

2. You put emphasis on people’s ability to reflect and innovate: You trust your peers and employees to be able to create new solutions and ideas in creative ways.