BLG Leadership Insights Creativity Ideas Leadership On the Edge Managerial Competence Proactive Leaders

Can’t Change Leadership Without Changing Culture

Leaders changing leadership within a company without changing culture is like shuffling a deck of cards. No matter what, you are left with the same players and one game to play. The players should not be the focus. It should be the game. Here’s an article from about a recent attempt to reshuffle the deck over at Microsoft, without dealing with the culture first. Will it work? Only time will tell.

Microsoft’s CEO Is Said to Extend Management Shake-Up

photo: Todd Klassy
Leadership On the Edge Social Media

10 Must-Read Social Media & Leadership Stories From October 11-15

1. Novelist Margaret Atwood talks about Twitter and what it means for her and what it means for our world (video).

2. Ever feel like you were just an ant? Maybe it’s not the worst thing ever Deborah Gordan explains.

3. 5 tips that help you engage an audience with social networking tools.

4. In defense of cloud computing, or, cloud computing 101.

5. This might not be a surprise, but CEOs from the worlds biggest companies are still weary of social media.

6. FDR’s failed attempt to build a coalition.

7. 3 reasons why you might want to brush up on your influence leadership.

8. Great work/motivation lessons from a self-employed women.

9. A great discussion on business intelligence and social media (video).

10. …And now for something completely different: Leadership Lessons from Mad Men.

Picture Credit: Julian Bleeker

Features Leadership Videos

50 Great Leadership Videos

Leadership skills, Execution, Agenda Development, 2.0 Leadership and Inspiration are the focal points of the following 50 leadership videos.

Leadership Skills

1. The importance of believing in your employees. Don’t second guess staff…constantly.

2. Emotional intelligence is vital for leaders. Here’s what to remember.

3. Employee engagement…can be compared to a dance party (scroll down).

4. Knute Rockne, one of Football’s greatest coaches, motivates his players (rare footage).

5. Motivating people can be hard. Sometimes you have to demand great work.

6. How NOT to motivate employees (Funny).

7. The challenge of being a proactive AND senior leader. Admiral Mike Mullen Explains.

8. When is madness visible in leadership? Or, what can Bogart teach us about leading?

9. The role of Ego in leadership. A fine line between helpful and hurtful.

10. Desmond Tutu discusses servant leadership.

11. Richard Feynman tells us to never make assumptions and to always doubt norms.

Leadership On the Edge

Top 5 Leadership & Technology Articles on Bacharach Blog…

The past two weeks have been busy and I’d like to thank everyone for reading  the blog and staying tuned in.  Here’s the top 5 most read leadership stories that I’ve posted in the past two weeks:

1. 6 Reasons to Negotiate: Sometimes negotiating can seem like a waste of time and resources. Make sure you adhere to the following rules before you rush into a potentially long negotiation.

2. The Challenges of Being a Proactive & Senior Leader: Leadership roles, as they get more senior, take on new sets of responsibilities. These new challenges require a different brand of proactive leadership–one that focuses on accountability. Admiral Mullen, in his video, says just this…and more.

3. The Future Face of Social Media: Social media has revolutionized the way we get, digest, and share information. Anyone and everyone can say and read what they want. However, some companies, blogs, and social networking sites are changing how their users are allowed to interact with their information. It’s a new horizon–which will bring positive and negative results.

4. What Cloud Computing Means For Businesses & Leaders: The concept of having all of your data in the ‘cloud’ or online is thrilling. But, what if all your company’s data was online as well? Convenient? Defiantly. Safe? Maybe not. It’s your call as a leader.

5. 5 Leadership Lessons From Mary Stuart & Queen Elizabeth I: Looking at history is a great way to see how different leadership methods and styles worked…and didn’t work. In this post I take a look at the infighting between Mary Stuart and Elizabeth I and found that not making a decision is sometimes better than making a decision.

Leadership Videos Managerial Competence

Head in the Clouds: Businesses Must Deal With Cloud Computing

Cloud computing, a term originating from an old network designers’ icon, is really just the ability to access and use everything you normally work with and need on your PC–without your PC. In other words, it’s the ability to hop on the Internet, or hop in the ‘cloud’, and start working on your spreadsheets, updating your order-forms, and listening to your music without your PC, your flash drive, or your external hard drive. However, even the experts are having a hard time defining cloud computing’s scope, power, and use….

So what are the implications?

Everyone is trying to see this one coming. The New York Times suggests that cloud computing may lend itself to larger censorship. Business Week thinks more and more businesses will rely on it. Newsweek is guessing that the technology will help developing nations. And the Wall Street Journal is witnessing a trend every business is dying to get into.

The thing is…everyone is right. Cloud computing will be huge and it’ll be a boon for emerging economies, new businesses, and consumers. However, cloud computing also comes with its own set of problems: security and censorship key among them.

What does this mean for your office?

Cloud computing is neither swift nor capable enough to reliably support the files and data your business likely uses everyday….